Friday, March 9, 2012

Welcome to 1983.

I am now the proud owner of .... (drum roll please)

a microwave!

I know it sounds silly. We manage to do all of our banking and bill paying on-line, we juggle various websites to stream the latest movies, we skype, facebook, blog, etc. And we have been living without a microwave for the last 7 months. We also have cheap pre-pay cell phones with no internet or keypads and we have a house phone for the first time in many years. So that's a little more like 2003 than 1983, but it's just another way we've gotten more high tech and more low tech all at the same time here. Our microwave even has a dial, no buttons, and no digital display.

It's not that I was ever anti-microwave, but when we moved here and had to get so many things to settle in to our new place, it was not high on the list. We also had nowhere to put it - I had to buy a little cart to hold the microwave. German kitchens are basically rooms with water and electrical hookups. We managed to buy our fridge and our sink/countertop/oven unit from the previous renters but there are no built in cabinets or shelves or anything.  I'm going to stop with the kitchen description now because I'm starting to bore myself.

So now we can heat up leftovers to our hearts' content. I will let you know if we pull out parachute pants or start listening to cassette tapes again. And if Brian grows out a mullet, that will really be news.

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About Me

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Thanks for coming to my blog. It started as a way to keep in touch with family and friends, and now has become an ongoing project. I'm an American living in Germany and trying to travel whenever I can. I write about my experiences as an expatriate (the interesting ones and the embarrassing ones), and about my travels. There are some recurring characters in this blog, particularly my husband Brian and several of our friends. The title comes from the idea that living in a foreign country means making a lot of mistakes. So the things you used to do easily you now have to try over and over again. Hopefully, like me, you can laugh at how idiotic it feels. If you have happened upon my blog, then welcome. Knowing that people are reading what I write makes me keep going. Feel free to write comments or suggestions for future posts.