Monday, May 14, 2012

Sister visit, and Frankfurt

On Wednesday, my sister Emily came to visit. She’s only staying 6 days, which is a quick trip by trans-Atlantic traveling standards. So my plan was to keep her moving. On Thursday I went to my interview with the second bike taxi company and had to do figure 8s while Emily shopped. We had lunch with my friend Kaska, went to track practice at the school together, stopped at the grocery store, made dinner, and went for a cocktail with my Canadian co-coach Jessica. As Brian put it, Thursday was a good taste of the various activities I dabble in while living in Hannover. If you just added in a German class and some bike stalking it would be complete. 

On Friday we left Brian at home and headed to Frankfurt. It was the first stop of our weekend trip visiting castles and little towns along the Rhine. Since we’d have to go through Frankfurt anyway, we planned to spend Friday night there. It had been warm when we left Hannover but it was summer in Frankfurt. The sun was shining, the people were out, and we walked around in sundresses. I hadn’t heard a lot of great things about visiting Frankfurt, but any city on a beautiful day can be a good time. We walked around the shopping areas, the Romerburg (Frankfurt’s old town), ate ice cream in the old town square, crossed the river Mainz and wandered around some cute neighborhoods looking for apple wine until our feet hurt.  Friday night the storms blew in. We conveniently ducked for cover in a restaurant and the evening went from there.

Frankfurt is a big financial center and may not have the same charm or character as other cities, but it entertained us for the day. Here are some photos.

View of Frankfurt from the Zeil shopping street

That's us

The Romerburg

Getting lost in the Sachsenhausen district

Protests about the eurozone bailouts

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Thanks for coming to my blog. It started as a way to keep in touch with family and friends, and now has become an ongoing project. I'm an American living in Germany and trying to travel whenever I can. I write about my experiences as an expatriate (the interesting ones and the embarrassing ones), and about my travels. There are some recurring characters in this blog, particularly my husband Brian and several of our friends. The title comes from the idea that living in a foreign country means making a lot of mistakes. So the things you used to do easily you now have to try over and over again. Hopefully, like me, you can laugh at how idiotic it feels. If you have happened upon my blog, then welcome. Knowing that people are reading what I write makes me keep going. Feel free to write comments or suggestions for future posts.